Monday, March 27, 2023

04 Cret Nepheline Syenite 2 GMQ


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  • ERA: Mesozoic
  • Period: Cretaceous (wiki, alpha)
  • Epoch: Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian)
  • Formation: Unnamed igneous intrusion
  • Age: 105-95 million years ago
  • Lithology: Nepheline Syenite
  • Original location: 34.688888,-92.260010
  • Donor organization: Granite Mountain Quarries
  • Donor contact: Heather Thompson / Anthony Jones
  • Financial support: 
    • Liebelt Family Foundation
    • Granite Mountain Quarries
    • John Rutherford Mitchell
  • MacNote: Moderate to poor economic quality light gray, coarser grained. Sampled selected to exhibit the composition and grain size.

05 Cret Nepheline Syenite 1 GMQ


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  • Lidar Scan

    Lidar scan video:

  • ERA: Mesozoic
  • Period: Cretaceous (wiki, alpha)
  • Epoch: Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian Age)
  • Formation: Unnamed igneous intrusion
  • Age: 105-95 million years ago
  • Lithology: Nepheline Syenite
  • Original location: 34.692862, -92.262696
  • Donor organization: Granite Mountain Quarries
  • Donor contact: Heather Thompson / Anthony Jones
  • Financial support:
    • Liebelt Family Foundation
    • Granite Mountain Quarries
    • John Rutherford Mitchell
  • MacNote: Next best economic quality mottled with lighter patches of coarser feldspar crystals. Sample was selected to illustrate internal variation of grain size and fracture fills. Note mottled appearance reflecting local changes in grain size and the sub parallel bands of coarser grained feldspars.
  • AGS note: Mottle color is late incipient alteration. Check your samples with a long-wave UV light at night – recent/ongoing studies indicate that a large percentage of syenite is composed of sodalite (it fluoresces a bright orange). Once the article is published, a large portion of syenite will most likely be referred to as Sodalite-Nepheline Syenite.

06 Cret DeQueen LS CertainTeed


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  • Lidar Scan

  • ERA: Mesozoic
  • Period: Cretaceous (wikialpha)
  • Epoch: Aptian / Albian
  • Age: 125-100 million years ago
  • Formation: Trinity Group / DeQueen
  • Lithology: Limestone
  • Original location: 34.071232, -93.905736
  • Donor organization: CertainTeed Gypsum
  • Donor contact: Matt Porter
  • Financial support:
    • Liebelt Family Foundation
  • MacNote: Sample selected to illustrate the gray-green, mud-rich, fossiliferous limestone. Dominantly wackestone to packstone textures with cm-scale interbedded layers of grainstones indicating periods of higher energy. The dinosaurs walked across this surface during periods of low tide and subaerial exposure.

07 Cret Gypsum CertainTeed


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  • Lidar Scan

  • ERA: Mesozoic
  • Period: Cretaceous (wiki, alpha)
  • Epoch: Aptian / Albian
  • Age: 125-100 million years ago
  • Formation: Trinity Group
  • Lithology: Gypsum
  • Original location: 34.0758,-93.9005
  • Donor organization: CertainTeed Gypsum
  • Donor contact: Matt Porter
  • Financial support:
    • Liebelt Family Foundation
  • MacNote: Massive gypsum from “stray bed” quarried in the middle of the Interbedded green and gray calcareous claystone and gypsum. Interbedded gypsum beds periodic drying and evaporation events punctuated by flooding events and clay/silt deposition along a low relief coast line (e.g. present day Trucial Coast, Arabian Gulf).

08 Penn McAlester SS Arkola-APAC


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  • Lidar Scan

  • ERA: Paleozoic
  • Period: Pennsylvanian (wiki, alpha)
  • Epoch: Middle (Desmoinian)
  • Formation: McAlester
  • Age: 308-306 million years ago
  • Lithology: Sandstone
  • Original location: 35.473880,-94.272593 (map)
  • Donor organization: APAC, Arkola Preston Quarry
  • Donor contact: Travis Michael
  • Financial support:
    • Mac and Karen McGilvery
    • Chris and Lesa Moyer
  • MacNote: Sample selected to illustrate a 'typical' sandstone from the upper Arkoma Basin fill. Crinkle laminations formed by coalification of macerated plant material. This indicates an adjacent vegetated area being reworked by high energy waves and currents to produce sand sized particles of plant debris commonly called 'coffee grounds' in the modern. This lithofacies is common in marginal marine sand flats.

09 Penn Jackfork SS GMQ


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  • Lidar Scan

  • ERA: Paleozoic
  • Period: Pennsylvanian (wiki, alpha)
  • Epoch: Morrowan
  • Age: 323-318 million years ago
  • Formation: Jackfork
  • Lithology: Sandstone and Shale
  • Original location: 34.830326,-92.371917
  • Donor organization: Granite Mountain Quarries
  • Donor contact: Heather Thompson / Anthony Jones
  • Financial support:
    • Mac and Karen McGilvery
  • MacNote: Sample selected to illustrate deepwater gravity flow event bed. The massive unit below the scale is a Bouma Ta bed. It is overlain by a sandstone matrix conglomerate as a 'linked debrite'.

10 Miss Hatton Tuff Martin Marietta


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  • Lidar Scan: Scan failed, unavailable
  • ERA: Paleozoic
  • Period / Epoch: Late Mississippian / Early Pennsylvanian
  • Age: 331-318 million years ago (reference)
  • Formation: Stanley Group / Hatton Tuff 
  • Lithology: Volcanic tuff, debris flow
  • Original location: 34.351096,-94.353428
  • Donor organization: Martin Marietta Hatton Quarry
  • Donor contact: Todd Wheeler
  • Financial support: 
    • Mac and Karen McGilvery
  • MacNote: Hatton Tuff Lentil within the Lower Stanley Gp. Bedded volcanic tuff deposits interpreted as deepwater gravity flows triggered from thick ash fall deposits along the basin margin or from vertical settling through the water column. Interpretation is still being debated.

11 Miss Stanley Concretion Martin Marietta


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  • Lidar Scan: Scan failed, unavailable
  • ERA: Paleozoic
  • Period: Mississippian (wikialpha)
  • Epoch: Upper Mississippian (Chester Age)
  • Age: 346-323 million years ago
  • Formation: Stanley Group 
  • Lithology: 
  • Original location: 34.351096,-94.353428
  • Donor organization: Martin Marietta Hatton Quarry
  • Donor contact: Todd Wheeler
  • Financial support:
    • Mac and Karen McGilvery
    • Chris Liner and Dolores Proubasta
  • MacNote:

12 Miss Batesville SS capstone McBride


  • Photo

  • Lidar Scan: failed, unavailable
  • ERA: Paleozoic
  • Period: Mississippian (wiki, alpha)
  • Epoch: Late
  • Age: 330-323 million years ago
  • Formation: Batesville
  • Lithology: Sandstone
  • Original location: 35.795835,-91.856530
  • Donor organization: McBride Stone Company
  • Donor contact: Chris Huckaba
  • Financial support:
    • Mac and Karen McGilvery
    • Jeff and Suzy Hall
    • Pure Earth Resources (Lindell Bridges)
  • MacNote: Sample originally commissioned by the U of A as a replacement capstone for wall column. It was rejected. Selected for GeoLab for its Liesegang structures and unique cut pyramid shape.

13 Miss Boone LS 1 APAC

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  • Lidar Scan

  • ERA: Paleozoic
  • Period: Mississippian (wiki, alpha)
  • Epoch: Early-Middle
  • Age: 358-330 million years ago
  • Formation: Boone
  • Lithology: Limestone
  • Original location: 36.23810, -94.18510
  • Donor organization: Sharp's Quarry APAC
  • Donor contact: Will Brown / Jason Madewell
  • Financial support: 
    • Mac and Karen McGilvery
    • Jeff and Susy Hall
    • Taylor and Jessica Friesenhahn
    • Shane and Wendeline Matson
    • Brett Wittman
  • MacNote: 

14 Miss Boone LS 2 APAC


  • Photo
  • Lidar Scan

  • ERA: Paleozoic
  • Period: Mississippian (wikialpha)
  • Epoch: Early-Middle
  • Age: 358-330 million years ago
  • Formation: Boone
  • Lithology: Limestone
  • Original location: 36.23838, -94.18441
  • Donor organization: Sharp's Quarry APAC
  • Donor contact: Will Brown / Jason Madewell
  • Financial support: 
    • Mac and Karen McGilvery
    • Jeff and Susy Hall
    • Taylor and Jessica Friesenhahn
    • Shane and Wendeline Matson
    • Brett Wittman
  • MacNote: 

15 Miss Novaculite 1 Dans Whetstone


  • Photo 

  • Lidar Scan

  • ERA: Paleozoic
  • Period: Mississippian (wiki, alpha)
  • Epoch: Early
  • Formation: Arkansas Novaculite
  • Age: 358-346 million years ago
  • Lithology: Chert
  • Original location: 34.430218,-93.243680
  • Donor organization: Dan Whetstone Company
  • Donor contact: Dan and Steve Kirschmann
  • Financial support: 
    • Mac and Karen McGilvery
    • Jeff and Suzy Hall
    • Epoch Consulting (Matt Boyce)
    • Steve and Lisa Milligan
  • MacNote: Sample selected to illustrate bedding plane vs. fracture orientation. Note diagenetic alteration along the fracture planes. Also note 'blobular' areas of alteration.

18 Miss U St Joe Weathered LS Sharpes APAC


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  • Lidar Scan

  • ERA: Paleozoic
  • Period: Mississippian (wiki, alpha)
  • Epoch: Early
  • Age: 358-346 million years ago
  • Formation: St. Joe
  • Lithology: Limestone
  • Original location: 36.160182,-93.002382
  • Donor organization: APAC Valley Springs Quarry
  • Donor contact: Shawn Kindall
  • Financial support: 
    • Mac and Karen McGilvery
    • Yarri Davis and Aurora Zisner
  • MacNote: Weathered sample that accentuates crinozoan debris (disaggregated and transported) weathered in relief. Blobular, white chert indicating upward deepening and transition toward the Lower Boone penecontemporaneous chert.

17 Miss U St Joe LS Sharpes APAC


  • Photo

  • Lidar Scan

  • ERA: Paleozoic
  • Period: Mississippian (wiki, alpha)
  • Epoch: Early
  • Age: 358-346 million years ago
  • Formation: St. Joe
  • Lithology: Limestone
  • Original location: 36.160190,-93.005969
  • Donor organization: APAC Valley Springs Quarry
  • Donor contact: Shawn Kindall
  • Financial support: 
    • Mac and Karen McGilvery
    • Yarri Davis and Aurora Zisner
  • MacNote: Fresh sample that preserves a dark gray, blobular chert clast. Chert clast contains mm to cm-scale crinozoan columnals. Overall sample exhibits cm to dm-scale bedding defined by wavy, clay laminations indicating periods of diminished sedimentation rates. Some laminations exhibit pressure solution and stylitozation.

20 Ord Fernvale Breccia Midwest Lime

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  • Lidar Scan

  • ERA: Paleozoic
  • Period: Ordovician
  • Epoch: Upper Ordovician (Maysvillian Age)
  • Age: 458-443 million years ago
  • Formation: Fernvale basal unconformity
  • Lithology: Shale
  • Original location: 35.808810,-91.626766
  • Donor organization: Midwest Lime Company
  • Donor contact: Eric Low / Barry Farrell
  • Financial support: 
    • Mac and Karen McGilvery
  • MacNote: Phosphatic nodules concentrated along bedding planes with the Cason Shale.

16 Miss Novaculite 2 Dans Whetstone


  • Photo

  • Lidar Scan

  • ERA: Paleozoic
  • Period: Mississippian (wiki, alpha)
  • Epoch: Early
  • Formation: Arkansas Novaculite
  • Age: 358-346 million years ago
  • Lithology: Chert
  • Original location: 34.430218,-93.243680
  • Donor organization: Dan Whetstone Company
  • Donor contact: Dan and Steve Kirschmann
  • Financial support:
    • Mac and Karen McGilvery
    • Jeff and Suzy Hall
    • Epoch Consulting (Matt Boyce)
    • Steve and Lisa Milligan
  • MacNote: Sample selected to illustrate color variation within the novaculite. There are subtle variations in grain size the effect the economic value as well as the best application of the various types from standard sharpening to high polish finishing.

19 Ord Cason SH Midwest Lime


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  • Lidar Scan

  • ERA: Paleozoic
  • Period and Epoch: Late Ordovician (and Early/Middle Silurian)
  • Formation: Cason
  • Age: 458-430 million years ago
  • Lithology: Shale
  • Original location: 35.808810,-91.626766
  • Donor organization: Midwest Lime Company
  • Donor contact: Eric Low / Barry Farrell
  • Financial support: 
    • Mac and Karen McGilvery
  • MacNote: Unconformity at base of Cason Shale on the underlying Fernvale Limestone. Blocks of Fernvale Limestone developed on the unconformity surface incorporated into basal Cason Shale “matrix”.

21 Ord St Peter SS Carroll Co Stone


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  • Lidar Scan

  • ERA: Paleozoic
  • Period: Ordovician (wiki, alpha)
  • Epoch: Middle
  • Formation: St. Peter
  • Age: 470-458 million years ago
  • Lithology: Sandstone
  • Original location: 36.348592,-93.533754
  • Donor organization: Carroll County Stone
  • Donor contact: Eric Tesch / Michael Boardman
  • Financial support:
    • Mac and Karen McGilvery
    • Will Cains
  • MacNote: Essentially pure quartz sandstone. Cryptic to wavy lamination. Evidence of compaction and loading on bed bases and tops.

22 Ord Powell DO McBride


  • Photo 

  • Lidar Scan

  • ERA: Paleozoic
  • Period: Ordovician (wiki, alpha)
  • Epoch: Middle ?
  • Age: 470-458 million years ago
  • Formation: Powell ?
  • Lithology: Dolomite, sandy dolostone
  • Original location: 36.1883,-92.0358
  • Donor organization: McBride Stone Company
  • Donor contact: Chris Huckaba
  • Financial support: 
    • Mac and Karen McGilvery
    • Jamie Woolsey
  • MacNote: 'The Wedge'. Ripple lamination in relief on weathered surface. Cm-scale scour and fill packets attributed to tidal currents. Wavy to ripple lamination well defined on cut surfaces.

23 Ord Plattin LS Bradley Contracting


  • Photo 

  • Lidar Scan

  • ERA: Paleozoic
  • Period: Ordovician (wiki, alpha)
  • Epoch: Middle
  • Age: 470-458 million years ago
  • Formation: Plattin
  • Lithology: Limestone
  • Original location: 35.8633,-91.3241
  • Donor organization: Bradley Contracting
  • Donor contact: Jason Angel
  • Financial support: 
    • Mac and Karen McGilvery
  • MacNote: Plattin Limestone. Sample selected to illustrate typical intertidal carbonate deposits. Note cm-scale, interbedded micrite mud layers and mm-scale, laminated algal bands. Mud cracks are preserved on bedding planes recording low tide, exposure surfaces. Sample exhibits en echelon, calcite filled fractures.

24 Ord Crystal Mountain Debris Flow AGS


  • Photo 

  • Lidar Scan

  • ERA: Paleozoic
  • Period: Ordovician (wiki, alpha)
  • Epoch: Early
  • Age: 485-470 million years ago
  • Formation: Crystal Mountain
  • Lithology: Sandstone, Limestone, Shale
  • Original location: 34.662469,-93.103819
  • Donor organization: On permanent loan from Arkansas Geological Survey
  • Donor contact: Scott Ausbrooks / Angela Chandler
  • Financial support:
    • Mac and Karen McGilvery
    • Brent and Amy Boyd
  • Note: An example of a submarine mass transport block or olistolith. A rare representative of debris flow from the early Ordovician Crystal Mountain Sandstone which is a source of museum-quality quartz crystal clusters.

  • QR code

25 Ord Collier LS Blackstone


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  • Lidar Scan

  • ERA: Paleozoic
  • Period: Ordovician (wiki, alpha)
  • Epoch: Early
  • Formation: Collier
  • Age: 485-470 million years ago
  • Lithology: Limestone 
  • Original location: 34.5317,-93.6806
  • Donor organization: Blackstone Construction
  • Donor contact: Brock Langford
  • Financial support:
    • Mac and Karen McGilvery
    • Robert and Gigi Liner
  • MacNote: Sample was selected to illustrate gravity flow event beds (Tb,c) and bedding constrained fracture fills. There are indications of soft sediment deformation.

26 Ord Cotter DO Carroll Co Stone


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  • Lidar Scan

  • ERA: Paleozoic
  • Period: Ordovician (wiki, alpha)
  • Epoch: Early
  • Age: 485-470 million years ago
  • Formation: Cotter
  • Lithology: Dolomite
  • Original location: 36.34912,-93.53057
  • Donor organization: Carroll County Stone
  • Donor contact: Eric Tesch / Michael Boardman
  • Financial support: 
    • Mac and Karen McGilvery
    • Jamie Woolsey
  • MacNote: Medium grained dolostone with common algal structures suggesting pertidal to inter tidal conditions. Vugs containing saddle dolomite crystals and or calcite fillings are common. Note aligned vugular porosity along algal bedding plane

03 Paleo Midway LS AGS

Photo Lidar Scan ERA: Cenozoic Period: Tertiary Epoch: Paleocene ( wiki , alpha ) Age: 66-56 million years ago Formation: Midway Group Litho...